video wall trade show booths

Video Wall Trade Show Booth - How to Get Started

custom designed LED trade show displays

The best way to get started with a video wall trade show booth is at the beginning. Sometimes our clients have a general idea of what they want and sometimes they don’t. In fact, sometimes we get a really rough drawing of what they want. Believe it or not, even a badly drawn sketch is very helpful. For example, in this sketch we know where they want the LED video wall, the logo and graphics. Naturally, it’s our job to make it look amazing. However, sometimes the request is very specific. For instance, they might just want a 10 foot video wall rental with the logo at the bottom.

If you are thinking about getting a video wall rental booth maybe you have no idea about what it should look like. Great new, we are a design company and you can leave it up to us. Naturally, we have examples we can show you from the past. For example, maybe you have rented a 20×20 island booth. Of course, we have examples of video walls that would fit that space. 

If you have rented a 20×10 or a 10×10 space, we can help. Let our creative team come up with ideas for your LED Video Wall Booth Rental.


Once we’ve created a CAD 3-D drawing of the video wall trade show booth our client may want changes. For instance, maybe put the LED tiles up at the top. However, our purpose in making the CAD drawing is to account for every component. Naturally, with the CAD drawing we can see every frame, every LED tile and connection point. Plus, we can get the exact size of each part of the display. Additionally, knowing these sizes allow us to begin working on the graphics. Lastly, with the CAD drawing we are able to determine the rental cost of the video wall.

The CAD drawing allows us to show you how your Video Wall Trade Show Booth will look for different angles. For instance, we can show you how it fits in the space by showing it from the top looking straight down. Next, we can show you the side view so you can see the door. Naturally, the door gets covered with graphics too. Also, we can’t have a wall all by itself because it would fall over. For that reason, we make it have some thickness to it so it won’t fall over. Plus, this thickness also allows us to put in a door. As a result, many people use the space inside the wall for storage. 

cad drawing led video wall

Video Wall Exhibit Booth Rentals

Video Wall Trade Show Booth

Our next step is to create the graphics for the LED Exhibit Booth. However, some clients have their own ad agency. In that case, we provide measurements and they give us ready to print graphics. Also, now that we have measurements we know how big to make the video. Once again, some clients have their own ad agency do this. In that case, we tell them the pixel width and height. Of course, our full service ad agency can design the graphics. Plus, we can create attention getting motion graphics for the video wall too!

If your company is an ad agency but you have never worked with a video wall before, we can help! Naturally, ad agencies can be our best clients. For that reason, we make sure your agency will get the best service. We’ve got your back and we’ll make your client think you are amazing! Your client will never know who we are. Of course, if they see us during setup and ask any questions, we’ll simply direct them back to you. 

Once we’ve printed the graphics, we aren’t ready to go to the trade show yet. First, we assemble the trade show booth in our warehouse. In this example, we left out the video tiles. At this point we are checking to see if any of the graphics were cut to the wrong size. Naturally, it isn’t likely we would make a mistake. However, it is possible and we don’t want to discover that at your trade show. 

In this example, we used hard panel graphics. You can see a thin 6mm gap between the panels. We also have the option to use SEG graphics which hide the frame so you don’t see a gap at all. Some people prefer hard panel graphics because the colors are bolder. Others prefer SEG fabric graphics because they hide the frame. For that reason, we can’t say that one option is better than the other. Naturally, we offer both options. 

The video will be tested as well. However, there’s no reason to climb the ladder and install the LED video tiles in the booth to see them work. In fact, we usually have the video before the trade show booth graphics. For that reason, we test the video outside of the booth. 

The important point here is that we check the graphics and video far enough in advance that we have time to correct any problems. Alternatively, we have time to let you know about any issues so your ad agency can correct them.

Your Video Wall Trade Show Booth will help your company to stand out from the crowd. Contact us today about any type of Video Wall Booth Rentals.

led video wall trade show booths


led video wall trade show booths

Scroll back up to the top and see the original hand drawn image with, “Logo, Video and Graphics” drawn in. The real life version shown here, came out pretty good didn’t it?

We’ll get your booth to the show and get it setup for you. Plus, we provide flooring options and furniture rentals if necessary. Additionally, we like to keep an Audio Visual Technician at the venue or at a hotel near the venue. Of course, if something goes wrong with our video wall, our AV Tech is minutes away. Now that’s peace of mind! Your staff only needs to show up on the first day the exhibit floor is open. Plus, once the show is over, your staff only needs to gather their personal belongings and leave. Dismantling and return shipping of the booth is done by our staff. 

We work with ad agencies and sometimes have no contact at all with their clients. However, we also work directly with companies that want to exhibit at trade shows.

If we work with your company directly or your ad agency, you’ll get concierge-level service.  Contact us today about a Video Wall Trade Show Booth Rental.